Dear friends in sport,
Welcome in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2022
full invitation on request HERE !
Thank you very much to the World Kickboxing Federation for the success it has achieved and continues to achieve.
The success of the last amazing World Championship in Cairo, Egypt, increased the evidence of our success around the world.
Friends everywhere prepare for our great and important “African continental congress” with elections of the Board in my country Ethiopia. The international open “WKF Africa continental referee seminar” will also be held.
Special guest is WKF World president Mr. Fritz EXENBERGER
If YOU want to represent your country in WKF AFRICA continental association for the next 4 years and work on the board, you absolutely have to come to this congress !

My team and I work hard to make you a comfortable stay in my city, to prepare a great and unforgettable event.
Nice Hotels near the great event hall will give the best atmosphere for all teams, to feel great, safe and like at home.
We are waiting for you at the “African continental congress” and
“WKF Africa continental referee seminar” ,
be welcome in my City Addis Ababa!
Thanks to the brothers in the world executive office!
For any further information contact Mr. Puro directly by MAIL!