African ranking, following the last five WKF World Championships:

The next board election of the African WKF continental federation will take place on Monday, November 18th 2024 in the Spanish city of Alicante at the WKF World Congress of the World Championship.

Presidents of all African nations present in Spain are invited

best African fighters – male and female – are in Spain

To date, 13 African nations have registered for the Jubilee World Championship from November 18th to 22nd in Alicante, Spain!!!

African ranking, following the last five World Kickboxing Federation World Championships:

– 2012 (Varazdin Croatia)
– 2014 (Prague Czechia)
– 2016 (Andria Italy)
– 2018 (Buenos Aires Argentina)
– 2021 (Cairo Egypt)

and now

– 2024 (Alicante Spain) ???

real best African countries:

76 nations au total / a total of 76 nations have participatedclick HERE

01- South Africa / 19
02- Uganda / 31
03- Tunisia  / 37
04- Egypt / 47
05- Algeria / 53
06- Cameroon / 57
07- Ghana / 60
08- Kenya / 64
09- Morocco / 69
10- Nigeria / 71
11- Tanzania / 74

WKF AFRICA needs the support of all African countries to recover and assert itself in the World Kickboxing Federation, not only at the amateur level, but also at the professional level, relying on great victories like that of Cameroonian Jean Michel MBOCK against the very talented Igor Pesterev, June 16, 2016 in Russia Tyumen, West Sibiria. World title in K-1 in super middle weight – 78 Kg.

Invitation and all information can be found online / L’invitation et toutes les informations sont disponibles en ligne

All of Africa is being challenged by the next World Championships in Alicante, Spain, November 18 to 22, 2024.

BOXING in Alicante

Classement africain, à l’issu des cinq derniers championnats du Monde de la World Kickboxing Federation :
– 2012 (Varazdin Croatia)
– 2014 (Prague Czech Republic)
– 2016 (Andria Italy)
– 2018 (Buenos Aires Argentina)
– 2021 (Cairo Egypt)  et maintenant – 2024 (Alicante Espagne) ???

Meilleurs pays africains :

WKF AFRICA continental federation

01- South Africa
02- Uganda
03- Tunisia
04- Egypt
05- Algeria
06- Cameroon
07- Ghana
08- Kenya
09- Maroc
10- Nigeria
11- Tanzania

La WKF AFRICA a besoin du concours de tous les pays d’Afrique pour se relever et s’affirmer dans la World Kickboxing Federation, pas seulement au niveau amateur, mais aussi au niveau professionnel, en s’appuyant sur des grandes victoires comme celle du Camerounais Jean Michel MBOCK face au très talentueux Igor Pesterev, le 16 juin 2016 à Tyumen, West Sibiria en Russie. Titre du monde en K-1 dans les super middle weight – 78 Kg.
C’est toute l’Afrique qui est interpellé par les prochains Championnats du Monde à Alicante, en Espagne, 18 au 22 novembre 2024.