African ranking, following the last five WKF World Championships:

The next board election of the African WKF continental federation will take place on Monday, November 18th 2024 in the Spanish city of Alicante at the WKF World Congress of the World Championship.

Presidents of all African nations present in Spain are invited

best African fighters – male and female – are in Spain

To date, 13 African nations have registered for the Jubilee World Championship from November 18th to 22nd in Alicante, Spain!!!

African ranking, following the last five World Kickboxing Federation World Championships:

– 2012 (Varazdin Croatia)
– 2014 (Prague Czechia)
– 2016 (Andria Italy)
– 2018 (Buenos Aires Argentina)
– 2021 (Cairo Egypt)

and now

– 2024 (Alicante Spain) ???

real best African countries:

76 nations au total / a total of 76 nations have participatedclick HERE

01- South Africa / 19
02- Uganda / 31
03- Tunisia  / 37
04- Egypt / 47
05- Algeria / 53
06- Cameroon / 57
07- Ghana / 60
08- Kenya / 64
09- Morocco / 69
10- Nigeria / 71
11- Tanzania / 74

WKF AFRICA needs the support of all African countries to recover and assert itself in the World Kickboxing Federation, not only at the amateur level, but also at the professional level, relying on great victories like that of Cameroonian Jean Michel MBOCK against the very talented Igor Pesterev, June 16, 2016 in Russia Tyumen, West Sibiria. World title in K-1 in super middle weight – 78 Kg.

Invitation and all information can be found online / L’invitation et toutes les informations sont disponibles en ligne

All of Africa is being challenged by the next World Championships in Alicante, Spain, November 18 to 22, 2024.

BOXING in Alicante

Classement africain, à l’issu des cinq derniers championnats du Monde de la World Kickboxing Federation :
– 2012 (Varazdin Croatia)
– 2014 (Prague Czech Republic)
– 2016 (Andria Italy)
– 2018 (Buenos Aires Argentina)
– 2021 (Cairo Egypt)  et maintenant – 2024 (Alicante Espagne) ???

Meilleurs pays africains :

WKF AFRICA continental federation

01- South Africa
02- Uganda
03- Tunisia
04- Egypt
05- Algeria
06- Cameroon
07- Ghana
08- Kenya
09- Maroc
10- Nigeria
11- Tanzania

La WKF AFRICA a besoin du concours de tous les pays d’Afrique pour se relever et s’affirmer dans la World Kickboxing Federation, pas seulement au niveau amateur, mais aussi au niveau professionnel, en s’appuyant sur des grandes victoires comme celle du Camerounais Jean Michel MBOCK face au très talentueux Igor Pesterev, le 16 juin 2016 à Tyumen, West Sibiria en Russie. Titre du monde en K-1 dans les super middle weight – 78 Kg.
C’est toute l’Afrique qui est interpellé par les prochains Championnats du Monde à Alicante, en Espagne, 18 au 22 novembre 2024.

All African countries are expected with their different teams …

All African countries are expected with their different teams at the Kickboxing World Championship, which takes place from November 18 to 22, 2024 in Alicante, Spain.
It should be noted that on this occasion, the members of the executive board of the African Kickboxing Confederation will be elected, in accordance with the following minutes of the Constitutive General Assembly, held in Yaoundé/Cameroon on 18 November 2023.

Tous les pays africains sont attendus avec leurs différentes équipes au Championnat du monde de Kickboxing, qui se déroule du 18 au 22 novembre 2024 en Espagne. Il est à noter qu’à cette occasion, les membres du bureau exécutif de la Confédération Africaine de Kickboxing seront élus, conformément au procès-verbal ci-après de l’Assemblée Générale Constitutive, tenue à Yaoundé/Cameroun le 18 novembre 2023.
BOXING is as well in Alicante

In the year two thousand and twenty three, and on the eighteenth of November, 
The Constitutive General Assembly of the African Kickboxing Confederation (Continental branch of the Training Fight Corporation) was held in charge of developing the practice of Kickboxing version WKF (World Kickboxing Federation). 
The agenda covered: 
01- Adoption of the Statutes; 
02- Election of members of the executive office; 
03- Divers. 
While the attendance sheet is kept open to latecomers, it is 3:10 p.m. when the session opens with the adoption of the statutes, in accordance with the regulations in force. 
full invitation is HERE / l’invitation complète est ICI

On the second point of the agenda, the constitution of the executive office of the African Kickboxing Confederation thus created, was postponed to the sidelines of the world championship planned in the City Alicante, Spain in the month of November 2024, the time for its Promoter to ensure prerequisite training for the diploma and federal Manager license, required to apply for an executive office position.
Following the divers, when it was 5:40 p.m., the President declared the session closed. 
In witness whereof this report has been drawn up to serve and assert what is right. 
Done in Yaoundé on November 18, 2023.
The President of the session 
SIDZOU Samuel (Michel Duplaisir)
L’an deux mille vingt trois,
Et le dix-huit du mois de novembre,
S’est tenue l’Assemblée Générale Constitutive de la Confédération Africaine de Kickboxing (antenne Continantale de la Training Fight Corporation) en charge du développement de la pratique du Kickboxing version WKF (World Kickboxing Federation).
L’ordre du jour portait sur :
01- Adoption des Statuts  ;
02- Élection des membres du bureau exécutif ;
03- Divers.
Alors que la feuille de présence est restée ouverte aux retardataires, il est 15 heures et 10 minutes quand la séance s’ouvre par l’adoption des statuts, conformément à la règlementation en vigueur.
Au deuxiéme point de l’ordre du jour, la constitution du bureau exécutif de la Confédération Africaine de Kickboxing ainsi créée, a été renvoyée en marge du championnat du monde prévu en Espagne dans le mois de novembre 2024, le temps pour son Promoteur d’assurer la formation préalable au diplôme et à la licence fédérale de Manager, exigible pour postuler à un poste de bureau exécutif. 
À la suite des divers, alors qu’il était 17 heures 40 minutes, le Président à déclarée la séance close.
En foi de quoi le présent procès-verbal a été établi pour servir et valoir ce que de droit.
Fais à Yaoundé le 18 novembre 2023.
Le Président de séance
SIDZOU Samuel (Michel Duplaisir)

World Championships November 2024 in Spain !!!

full information here

To all our strong WKF AFRICA member countries, Champions and our best referees!


18th to 22nd  NOVEMBER 2024




president WKF ESPAÑA, Juan PINILLA

The whole world will meet after Cairo 2021 in November 2024 in Spain and many strong teams from Europe, North America and Latin America, Australia, Asia  will challenge our best African Champions !

In order to stay at the top of the world rankings,

WKF needs all of our best African fighters, women and men!

registration NOW OPEN to November 1st

Well, next WKF World championships are in November in Spain.

We expect more than 70 Countries all over the World !!!

All information’s and regular updates online on , just have a look.

Info here


Amateur Boxing is in Alicante for the

World Championships in November



In the World Championships we will have our World congress too, and there we will have selection for the new Board of directors for the continental WKF AFRICA federation for the next 4 Years as well.

Fell free to come and bring a team and officials to Spain in November, than WKF board will decide.

A day before on November 17th is the usual World referee Seminar !

At least one of your officials must be there to get WKF license

Full information and updates as always HERE:


I’ll see you all in Spain, November 18th to 22nd, 2024

President WKF ESPAÑA



We look forward to working with new experts who would like to represent their country as the new WKF country President.

Interested in working in a large world association? 

Send us a non-binding email with your inquiry!

WKF BOXING / BKFC – new World division

Daniel Z. HIRLAU

Dear sports friends,

On March 1st, 2024, a new WKF Division Worldwide will begin work.

By athletes – for athletes!

The aim is not to compete with existing associations, but rather to complement them with significantly less bureaucracy and fewer annoying, outdated regulations.

In collaboration with all of our 140+ WKF country presidents with the new WKF department “BOXING/BKFC”, we are also internationally networked on 6 continents in over 140 nations.

The Hungarian expert Daniel Z. HIRLAU will become world president of the new division from March 1st, 2024.

From now on, ALL BOXERS – women and men – can use our free offer and apply for inclusion in the BOXING World rankings via the FIGHTER PROFILE. Free and non-bureaucratic!

The international WKF license applies to all boxers!

For PROFI boxers, a corresponding license and registration in BOXREC is mandatory! We would be happy to help you with this too.

The first amateur BOXING tournament will take place on April 26th/27th in Innsbruck, at the same time as the WKF Austrian Open in kickboxing.

All registrations should be sent directly to the BOXING head office, Mr. Hirlau,

by email:

Anyone with a WKF license and a valid medical certificate is eligible to participate.

If you have any further questions, I will be happy to help you at any time.

contact mail:  Ő beszél magyarul / limba romana / English oder Deutsch

respectfully greetings

Daniel Z. HIRLAU


World Kickboxing Federation and the African Kickboxing Confederation

The World Kickboxing Federation, and the African Kickboxing Confederation, whose constitutive general assembly was held in Yaoundé, Cameroon from November 16 to 18, 2024, invite all
African countries to please contact the Promoter of WKF AFRICA, the name Samuel SIDZOU at
With the aim of agreeing to act together to organize an African Kickboxing Championship in 2024, with a view to good representation of the African continent at the next Kickboxing World Championship, planned in Spain in the month of November 2024.
In accordance with our WKF statutes, the continental board of WKF AFRICA will also be re-elected at the world congress in November in Spain – under the supervision of the WKF board.
The election will take place solely on the basis of representatives of African countries present on site! Anyone who is not present in Spain cannot be elected.
Selon nos statuts de la WKF, le conseil d’administration continental de la WKF AFRICA sera également réélu lors du Congrès mondial de novembre en Espagne – sous la supervision du conseil d’administration de la WKF.
L’élection se déroulera uniquement sur la base des représentants des pays africains présents sur place ! Quiconque n’est pas présent en Espagne ne peut pas être élu.
La World Kickboxing Federation, et la Confédération Africaine de Kickboxing dont l’assemblée générale constitutive s’est tenue à Yaoundé au Cameroun du 16 au 18 novembre 2024, invitent tous les pays d’Afrique à bien vouloir contacter le Promoteur de la WKF AFRICA, le nommé Samuel SIDZOU au
wkfafrica@gmail.comdans le but de se mettre d’accord pour agir ensemble à l’organisation d’un championnat d’Afrique de Kickboxing en 2024, en vue d’une bonne représentation du continent africain au prochain championnat du monde de Kickboxing, prévue en Espagne dans le mois de novembre 2024.

African Kickboxing Confederation (WKF AFRICA)

The report in English and French here /  Le rapport en anglais et en français ici
The National Museum of Yaoundé in Cameroon hosted last Saturday, November 18, 2023, the Constitutive Assembly of the African Kickboxing Confederation, abbreviated WKF AFRICA.
Cameroon is to this day the only country in Africa to have approved a national association in charge of the development of Kickboxing.
Since December 20, 2014, Master SIDZOU SAMUEL has been an official member of the world headquarters of the World Kickboxing Federation, based in Vienna in the Austrian Republic.
Given his technical and managerial skills, Master SIDZOU SAMUEL was responsible for ensuring the education and training of volunteers in various African countries, with a view to awarding each admitted person with a federal diploma of Manager (athlete representative) , with a view to the creation of a national federation in charge of Kickboxing, in various African countries.
Overall objective: to use martial arts and the noble art as a means of education to:
– citizenship and volunteering;
– Culture ;
– the social life ;
– the social economy.
Specific objectives :
– promote the health of citizens through physical and sporting activities organized in an artistic and cultural framework;
– produce and distribute goods and services in relation to the promotion of citizens’ health;
– use the organization of artistic and cultural activities as a means of detecting talents, likely to be registered on the list of high-level athletes, supervisors and judges/referees, with a view to athletic performances.
Applications are open to all African countries for the organization of the 2024 African Kickboxing Championship, a qualifier for the 2024 Kickboxing World Championship, scheduled for Torrevieja.
Confédération Africaine de Kickboxing (WKF AFRIQUE)
Le Musée National de Yaoundé au Cameroun a abrité samedi passé, 18 novembre 2023, l’Assemblée Constitutive de la Confédération Africaine de Kickboxing, en abrégé WKF AFRIQUE.
Le Cameroun est jusqu’à nos jours, le seul pays d’Afrique ayant agréé une association nationale en charge du développement du Kickboxing.
Depuis le 20 décembre 2014, Maître SIDZOU SAMUEL, est membre officiel du siège mondial de la Fédération Mondiale de Kickboxing, basé à Vienne en République Autrichienne.
Vu ses compétences techniques et managériales, Maître SIDZOU SAMUEL a été chargé d’assurer l’éducation et la formation des volontaires dans divers pays d’Afrique, en vue de décerner à chaque admis, un diplôme fédéral de Manager (représentant d’athlètes), en vue de la création d’une fédération nationale en charge du Kickboxing, dans divers pays d’Afrique.
Objectif global : utiliser les arts martiaux et le noble art comme moyen d’éducation à :
– la citoyenneté et le volontariat ;
– la culture ;
– la vie sociale ;
– l’économie sociale.
Objectifs spécifiques : 
– promouvoir la santé des citoyens à travers les activités physiques et sportives organisées dans un cadre artistique et culturelle ; 
– produire et distribuer les biens et services en relation avec la promotion de la santé des citoyens ;
– utiliser l’organisation des activités artistiques et culturelles comme moyen de détection des talents, susceptibles d’être inscrits sur la liste des sportifs, encadreurs et juges/arbitres de haut niveau, en vue des performances athlétiques.
Les candidatures sont ouvertes à tous les pays d’Afrique pour l’organisation du championnat d’Afrique de Kickboxing 2024, qualificatif au championnat du monde de Kickboxing 2024, prévue à Torrevieja.